hypo 2010 的遠征 – 不請自來的貴客
May 11, 2010
上次台北小聚我們發佈了一個重大消息:上海分社將有對外開放的 “hypo cafe and shop”!這個溫馨的小空間,五月會伴隨新製品與大家見面。
大家不妨透過這位小貴客的動線,一窺 hypo cafe and shop 的面貌。 🙂
May 11, 2010
上次台北小聚我們發佈了一個重大消息:上海分社將有對外開放的 “hypo cafe and shop”!這個溫馨的小空間,五月會伴隨新製品與大家見面。
大家不妨透過這位小貴客的動線,一窺 hypo cafe and shop 的面貌。 🙂
May 3, 2010
May 2, 2010
每天使用者信件如沙塵暴飛來,最多的需求無疑是「給我一個頁數更多,尺寸更大的新製品!」說得容易,但以 hypo 的作風,還是難逃一年推出一個產品的命運。(轉眼間,ticket 就是去年這時候問世的啊.. orz)
hypo 團隊準備好料去了,明天見囉!
April 26, 2010
請遇到的用戶不要驚慌,過一會兒再試就 ok 了。
We’ll have scheduled downtime on April 27th, 2010 starting from 11:00. See us back on-line by 13:00 (it usually takes less than 30 minutes, though).
April 24, 2010
April 21, 2010
yup, this is what i’ve been talking about… megan’s first photobook. wanted to do something to the tons of photo i took for megan but don’t want the conventional way to just print the photos…
after her first photo book, i’ve decided to do another hypo for megan’s second year… here is the new hypo cover, a much durable one than the cover we got last year…
Thanks Megan for giving us such beautiful moment. She makes our works more meaningful.
And nice photos! Megan’s daddy. Our pleasure to give you service.
Go to his blog 檸檬茶 to see more.