hypo Blog version 4

常常知錯能改的 hypo 團隊

工廠遷址 – 出貨日調整 / We’re Moving to a New Factory

August 24, 2009

各位親愛的 hypo 使用者您好。hypo 生產基地本週五(8/28)喬遷,暫停生產作業一天,原 94 以前的出貨,都可能延誤 1-2 天。

我們已經針對預計出貨日的計算進行調整,但未免突發狀況,還是特此公告,請大家多多包涵。如有疑問,歡迎來信 hypo 支援服務,我們會竭誠為您解答。

除了關機、清潔、裝箱打包之外,為了維護大家書本的品質,設備在新廠房裝好,還要針對新環境進行各種保養與調整,包括溫濕度都要考慮並測試,所以需要 1-2 天的時間,感謝體諒,hypo 團隊會盡速完成任務的!

Our future customers would receive even better service since we’re moving to a new factory on Aug. 28th. Possible errands include packing and transporting the materials, inspecting the environment, calibrating the equipments, and doing test runs. Orders scheduled to ship before Sept. 4th may therefore be delayed by a maximum of two workdays. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We have calibrated the estimation widget on our home page accordingly, but are always happy to help out via Hypo Support just in case. You are also welcomed to drop us a line.